Friday, February 3, 2012

A New Paige, and "M starts with Maren"

A New Paige

Paige Clara McBride
Born: February 2, 2012, 11:56 P.M. CST
Weight: 10 Lbs., 1 Oz.
Length: 21 Inches

"M starts with Maren!"

Last night (February 2nd to 3rd) was a long night for me, and an even longer night, I'm sure for my sweet wife. Thanks to loving support from good friends, I was able to spend the night in the hospital with Maren as our beautiful, gentle Paige was born. Although, not as big as her brother was, she still boasted an impressive 10-1 birth weight, and has the double chin and cheeks to prove it. Maren was strong and courageous through every minute and I look up to her and respect her with everything that's in me.

Now, less than 24 hours later, I sit in a quiet home. Maren and Paige have one more night in the hospital, the oldest two kids are asleep (although their battle to avoid the bed was well fought), and I have time to ponder a few things that have been in my head, and to write them down.

A week or so ago, Tessa was admiring the letter "M" in a book and stated authoritatively that "M starts with Maren." I understood what she meant to say, and almost corrected her, but decided not to. In her world, and in mine, M does indeed start with Maren, and not the other way around. My wife, and the mother of my children is everything to this household. She cooks, she cleans, she takes the kids to their activities and classes, she sets an example of faith, virtue, integrity, and good works. She is an outstanding mother, an excellent friend, a fine comedienne, and an exemplary wife. She understands me. She knows my imperfections but accepts me for who I am, and together we strive to grow and improve. The list could go on and on. I love her dearly.

As we welcome a third child to our household, the strength she possesses is evident, and I take comfort in the thought that she will teach our girls how to be such women.

Welcome Paige!
I love you Maren.


djensen said...

I was just thinking about you all today and wondering how Maren was doing...we are so excited for you and can't wait to meet the little princess!! Congratulations!!

Krista said...

Beautiful Jake! I agree, M definitely starts with Maren. Congrats on another beautiful little girl!

PixieGirl said...

Wow, what a beautiful tribute to your darling wife! She is lucky to have someone who appreciates her:) And your sweet little Paige is DIVINE!

adrienne said...

We are so happy for you guys!! Welcome to the fun and crazy life of having three kids! What a great tribute to your wonderful wife, Jake. (And way to do Maren! I thought my 9lb 9oz baby was pretty impressive.)

Jen said...

what a sweet post Jake ;) congrats to the McBride family on a beautiful new baby girl! Love her name

rebecca @ older and wisor said...

Way to go Jake - I'm tearing up. I can't decide what is more precious: that sweet new baby face, or your adoration for your amazing wife.

Congratulations to you both!!!

Unknown said...

Oh Jake! You make me cry! If only every father was able to (and would) express such love and appreciation for the mothers of their children!

Shanna said...

Congratulations to you both! Little Paige is gorgeous, and such a great addition to your family. I'm impressed with you, Jake, that you took the time, after fighting the brave fight of bedtime, to write such a beautiful tribute to Maren. Those words will always be something she can look back on when she's having a hard day. Thank you for sharing your feelings. She truly is an amazing woman and friend!

Nat said...

Congrats on the darling new baby! Glad everyone is well and happy. What a nice post to Maren!

Lori said...

Beautiful post Jake. Maren is pretty special. She is also very lucky, and blessed to have a husband that recognizes that she is pretty amazing and expresses it. I love your A New Paige. You're so darn creative, and a wonderful husband and dad. I sure do appreciate you, and love the heck out of ya. What a nice post for Maren to come home to. :)