Friday, February 4, 2011

Jenny From the Block

Right before our North Texas freeze, Jenny came to see us! She's fantastic --no way around it.
We went strolling in the sunshine in downtown McKinney. They have a Paciugo's now! Mmmmm, gelato.
I didn't take out my camera the whole time she was there. Grrrr! It's a good thing Jen likes to take pictures. Again, the glorious gelato:
Tessa's foot pop pose:
We went driving all over the next afternoon and walked around the temple for a bit.

Is that blue sky unreal, or what?!
This poor boy. He's got his four front teeth and suddenly decided to have a bottom MOLAR come out on this weekend. He was miserable, and he let us all know it. We did get some of his regular cheerful self occasionally. (No clue why this is underlined, by the way. Irksome.)

We decided to drive by the place where Kennedy was shot so Jenny could say she'd at least seen it. On the turn around there is a pretty good view of the skyline. Jenny snapped these pictures out of our car window. Not bad!

Onto JG's Burgers. I love this place. I've raved about it on here before. It's next to the Animal Cancer Clinic, which kind of grosses me out, but once you get inside, it's forgotten.
Jenny's a Pepper. I think I would be too if my stomach didn't explode any time I glanced at a soda.

This girl let me talk her ear off. Thank you for coming, girl! It was an absolute pleasure to have you.


djensen said...

Oh, poor guy! Molars are no fun-and what is with skipping around on the teeth order, Peter did the same thing...They were almost in already when I even realized what was wrong! Love the blue sky, I woke up to more snow...about 6 inches...beautiful but annoying when that means you are stuck in the house with an energy filled toddler!

Talbot Family said...

What fun! I must say that I am sick with envy seeing Jake wear a polo shirt outside. Sooo tired of being cold.

Jen said...

still can't get over the change in weather in just one day -- it was so nice when I was there (thank you mother nature ;) so much fun and you can talk my ear off any day! love the little snowman and glad you got a forced break to catch up!