Saturday, December 11, 2010

Even Better.

I bought a bag of Cutie Oranges. 'Tis the season.
Jacob LOVES these things. So does Tessa, and as evidenced last night, Cole has happily hopped on that bandwagon.
photo c/o The Sewing Bunny
As both kids were munching on their Cuties last night, Tessa said to me, "Mom, you know what's even better than Cole?"
"What, honey?" I responded.
"No, Tessa. Oranges are not better than Cole. Cole is part of our family. We love Cole."
She paused and came up with something a little more acceptable.
"Mom, you know what's even better than guitars?"
"What, honey?"
I would say that's debatable, but I will happily take her opinion of guitars as inferior to oranges over her little brother. :)

1 comment:

Talbot Family said...

Too cute. I couldn't pay either of my kids to touch an orange with a 10 foot pole. Now apples on the other hand, they would each eat 3 a day if I let them.....and I usually do :) Who needs a brother when sweet delicious fruit is on the line?