Near the end of yesterday's 5k, there was a group from my church who had already finished the race cheering me on. It was a fantastic boost and made me want to sprint to the finish line. So I smiled and surged past them.
The sprint was a lot further than I'd anticipated.
After several seconds I thought, "I don't know if I can keep up this pace for that long without losing a lung."
Then, I heard a woman from the sidelines shout, "You can do it!"
I shouted back, "I'm trying!"
Her response was, "I know! And I'm so proud of you!"
I had never seen that woman before in my life. She didn't know me from any other random runner, but her encouraging words pushed me to sprint through the finish line.
Last night I was able to attend a women's conference broadcast where my heart was touched in several ways. One of the precious truths taught was the need for more charity and less judging.
I thought about how much good I could do in the world if I openly cheered more people on instead of quietly finding things to criticize. We have the power to help push people distances they didn't know they could go or to find strength they never knew they had by showing them more charity and love, and that is a beautiful power. If we recognize in each other what Christ sees in us, I believe there would be a lot more cheering.
I want to cheer more.
That is excellent! I LOVED that she was cheering for you and let you know! And I loved that broadcast, too!
I totally agree!!! We all need to do more cheering. That's so great you guys did a 5K. Good job!
Amen, sister!
Beautiful post Maren. I'm proud of you as well. Love you so much.
That is so sweet! What a wonderful woman to cheer you on like that! Sometimes I wonder if they are our little angels in life.
You reminded me of a post my sister-in-law made on her blog (not sure if her blog is private). Here's the link just in case:
Long story short, she lost the keys to her car and had to walk her kids to school and it was quite a walk for her, but a lady picked her up who happened to be taking her kid to school too.
After she thanked the lady for a ride the lady said, "Anytime, I hope I can be a blessing."
So yeah, your post reminded me of that. There are people out there who care, regardless as to whether they know us or not.
I love these stories and these people - thanks for sharing -- gives hope for the human race. For the record I always thought you were a fantastic cheerleader minus the pom poms ;) Way to finish the race with gusto
What a great sentiment, very well said. And congrats on the run - you think I would be motivated by all these people out running, but I'm not. But I'm certainly proud of you for doing it - Go Maren!!
When I did my first run in April, I remember feeling that way when I ran through the crowds. It is amazing what a little encouragement can do for the soul.
Great words of advice.
You are so sweet Maren. Thanks for all your sweet comments:)
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