We blessed Cole in Utah on October 11. Look at that sweet boy!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the LDS baby blessing, what we do is this: In one of our meetings, a worthy priesthood holder (often it's the father) stands in a circle, holding the baby, with other worthy men to bestow a blessing on the baby. It's like an official prayer to give the baby a name and to offer blessings from the Lord. We were able to do this with family around in Utah for Cole. I thought about Tessa's blessing, and how that took place in our ward here in Texas and was grateful for such wonderful people in our lives in both states.
Anyway, I wrote down as much that Jake said as I could remember afterward so that I could share it with Cole one day.

We had a luncheon after church. I was oblivious to the setting up and the cleaning up and have to thank my awesome relatives. Tessa had a blast running around with friends and cousins, pausing only to grab a cookie now and then, and I safely lost track of her for a little while. There aren't many times and places where that happens.

It was, in every way, a lovely day.
An awsome day indeed. I'm sure having all that family around for the blessing was great. We will be blessing Peter this coming sunday. Family is flying in, and we can't wait!
What a good lookin family! We were so glad to be a part of that wonderful day!
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