I'm getting my grocery shopping list together and planning out my part of Thanksgiving. Yay! For fun! I'm getting a little daring with a certain recipe and I need to find candied ginger. I've never shopped for candied ginger before. I only need 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of it, so I wondered if I could find it in a bin/sell by the pound place instead of having to buy a bag somewhere. I googled Whole Foods. Why not? They got me with a side link to "twelve healthier seasonal favorites" with a couple beautiful pictures of salads. Yum! Well, when we click over to see the other "favorites", we get this in the mix:

Sallee loves candied ginger and eats it all the time. I think she buys it at Trader Joe's, do you have those in Texas?
Gross! I like lentils but that is a bit much!! Try Central Market for the ginger, they have a great bulk section :)
Thanks, Dianna! Central Market it is. Nate, I wish we had Trader Joe's.
We have decided (because of a lack of Grandmas) this year we are going to a buffet in Mesquite for Thanksgiving. If we love it, maybe next year we'll travel further south and spend Thanksgiving eating a Celebratory Lentil Loaf with good friends.
That should only be served when intending to torture someone!
I know I shouldn't say this but I watched Jurassic Park the other day and you know the part when she is going through the rhino's droppings to see why he was sick? just sayin ;) you know I would totally try it and LOVE it if I was there ;)
Maren, you crack me up! That's all I have to say. You should write a column or something...you're so full of funny!
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