Tessa's playing dress up and talking to herself. I get to listen. She just found her Groovy Girls in the bottom of the dress up box. I asked how they got there, and she explained that they must have been playing Hide and Go Seek. As she's playing....
"And it's going to be very dramatic and beautiful! It's going to be like dreaming."
I took the kids to lunch at The Corner Bakery today. We had a lovely time together. And lovely food.
On the way home, she asked me if we could go to a dinosaur museum next year to see the dinosaur bones. Before I could answer, she said, "No. I don't want to go. I might be scared. Let's go to a mineral museum instead!" Then she proceeded to plan out a trip to the "mineral museum" with all her friends and then explained what they would see in a cave.
The "mineral museum"? Sounds like a party to me.
As the dress up playing continues, she's singing her made up song, "And I've got a thing to saaaaaay. Don't mess the shoes. Baby, baby."
I'm getting pulled in. Time to don the crown because apparently, "Today we're going to the magical castle. Shake your pants because it's tiiiime to go."
I'm gone. :)
Now this is what I'm missing by not having a girl:)
You have a born actress/performer on your hands!
I can't stop laughing! She is too funny.... and how the heck does she know what a mineral even is? Too smart, I say!
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