A Saturday in Celina, Texas goes a little something like this:

I have no idea why Cole was crying except that he was tired. (I can relate.) Or maybe it's because "pumpkin" is spelled "punkin" on that sign.
Yeah, that's probably it. I don't know why I kept snapping pictures except that I must be cruel.
There were no smiles coming out of him this day.
But the tears stopped as soon as they had started. His sister joining him may have had something to do with it.

A couple of kids happy to be on a farm......

The butterflies at this place were crazy comfortable with people. One tried drinking out of Jake's arm. Gross. When we went to eat our "free" hotdog, it's like they wanted to hang out.

Jake was all but doing a softshoe routine for the whole farm trying to get this kid to smile.
No dice.
We had lunch and went on a hay ride with friends after feeding animals and playing in the pumpkins.

When I tried to take Cole's hat off in the car before we headed back home, he screamed at me. So, I left the thing on. He was asleep within the next five minutes.
I think that the "Hay Y'all" is one of the coolest signs ever. Maybe next to "Punkin" :) What a glorious time hot mamma.
Don't you just love "those" days! Good thing sleep cures most everything, even teh grumps! :) What a fun day with the punkins.
What a fun October activity! Great pics. I think maybe Cole grabbed the stem of the pumpkin, sometimes they are prickly and hurt :(. Sweet kids, wish I could have been there!
LOL I love your writing and the sarcasm that comes shining through ha ha! I just love what lengths we go to to convince our kids that what we're forcing them to do is fun :)
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