Tessa took the oath too.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Officially Official
On November 16, Jake officially became an attorney in the great state o Texas. We went to Austin/Georgetown for the weekend. The ceremony took place at UT Austin with the state Supreme Court justices presiding. Hundreds of new attorneys stood to take an oath to uphold the Constitution. Pretty cool.

Our seats were right up to where all the new attorneys were. Keeping Tessa relatively still through the speeches, etc.? Stressful, considering Ariel the Little Mermaid doll kept tumbling to the floor from a bored and flopping little girl. I was so thankful that I remembered to stuff the last of some gummy worms in my purse before we left. When all else fails, I'm not too proud to shove some candy at my kid to keep her quiet. Cole just drooled and happily hung out on my lap. It's a good thing, because there was no escape where we were sitting. Happy day. We're so grateful to have reached this point. Now, we keep moving forward.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
We didn't get to the pumpkin until the last second, but at least we got to it. Jake and Tessa had a great time making the jack o lantern together.

Then to the trunk or treat!
We've got a princess and a frog. Then, with vacation and all, I didn't put much thought into what Jake and I were going to be until it was too late to add effort. However, Jake's costume will be my favorite for a long time to come. A couple nights before, while lying in bed and brainstorming costume ideas for Jake (it's not a choice to not dress up for Halloween at my house), I mentioned Mr. Belvedere and we both busted up laughing. I even snort laughed. So, three bucks later, Jake had himself a sweater vest. The Mr. Belvedere theme song was stuck in my head for a week.
For my costume, I just grabbed some random 70's garb I had. Someone asked me if I just had a costume hanging around at home when I mentioned I just threw some stuff on, and I answered, "Yes. I've got a bunch of costumes to choose from." Then I realized that not everyone is like that. That it's strange for me to have a costume box complete with wigs and a garment bag with things like an 80's sequin top or an orange polyester suit. Oh well. Mom's fault.
Here we've got a couple of the girliest girls you ever did see:
Here's my whine about the trunk or treat: Older kids shouldn't be making the rounds two or three times while the littlies are trying their best to get around once. Move on to the neighborhoods if you want more! Seriously. Bah. Humbug.
Anyway, here's the one family picture we took:
For my costume, I just grabbed some random 70's garb I had. Someone asked me if I just had a costume hanging around at home when I mentioned I just threw some stuff on, and I answered, "Yes. I've got a bunch of costumes to choose from." Then I realized that not everyone is like that. That it's strange for me to have a costume box complete with wigs and a garment bag with things like an 80's sequin top or an orange polyester suit. Oh well. Mom's fault.
Here we've got a couple of the girliest girls you ever did see:
Utah/Idaho in October
Last month we took our two week trip to Utah and Idaho. We could not have asked for more beautiful weather and better company. I did not get pictures of everything that I should have. I am making a promise to myself that next time I will be more consistent with taking pictures....especially of ALL of the cousins.
The Church has a children's museum on the top floor of the regular museum. Love the dress ups.

The witches at Gardner's Village:

At Dad and Sandy's:

At the Treehouse Museum:

At my Mom and Duke's:
Well, here are some of the funs we had:
This is Tessa's cousin Simone. The two girls together = inseparable. It's really cute to see them love each other so much. I'm thinking that Gracie will be joining the cuzzie girl hug next go round.
One evening we took a stroll around Temple Square.This is Tessa's cousin Simone. The two girls together = inseparable. It's really cute to see them love each other so much. I'm thinking that Gracie will be joining the cuzzie girl hug next go round.
(I can't believe I didn't take pics of the Halloween party. Hanging head in shame.)

Grandma and Grandpa D's:
This would be a girl who wasn't going to bother trying to nap while on vacation. She finally fell asleep while coloring at Gma D's. Party animal.
I think this a sweet picture of Cole meeting his Great Grandma:
Leaves, leaves, leaves.
Friday, November 20, 2009
This is why..
..we are getting a new vacuum for Christmas. As if it wasn't a necessity before, the thing really made a statement today.
I took a picture of it lying down, because it lost the ability to remain standing some years ago.
I guess 7 years was its limit.

I guess 7 years was its limit.
"Easy-push"? This is what I call irony, folks. You should have seen me trying to finish vacuuming today once the top of this bad boy busted off.
So, any recommendations on vacuums? If you say, "How about one with a handle?" I swear I'm coming after you."
Now I've just got a month of vacuuming hunched over or on my knees.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Cole's Blessing
We blessed Cole in Utah on October 11. Look at that sweet boy!
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the LDS baby blessing, what we do is this: In one of our meetings, a worthy priesthood holder (often it's the father) stands in a circle, holding the baby, with other worthy men to bestow a blessing on the baby. It's like an official prayer to give the baby a name and to offer blessings from the Lord. We were able to do this with family around in Utah for Cole. I thought about Tessa's blessing, and how that took place in our ward here in Texas and was grateful for such wonderful people in our lives in both states.
Anyway, I wrote down as much that Jake said as I could remember afterward so that I could share it with Cole one day.
We had a luncheon after church. I was oblivious to the setting up and the cleaning up and have to thank my awesome relatives. Tessa had a blast running around with friends and cousins, pausing only to grab a cookie now and then, and I safely lost track of her for a little while. There aren't many times and places where that happens.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
2009 Texas State Fair trip
Now here's a family tradition you're going to get stuck viewing every year!
Here's the petting zoo:
A mama goat had barely given birth to some babies. No pictures. Birth is a messy business, you know. Still kinda cool to see.
Feeding the llamas and checking out the ostriches:

I love going through the different fair entries. I don't know what it is about seeing what wins the blue ribbons. There's something very quaint about it. Here I am with Cole by some prize winning bottled goods. Nice pose. I know. I look like the Jam Crusader or something. Preserving preserves everywhere!
It's not an official trip to the state fair without a picture of Big Tex in his new Dickies outfit. Tessa didn't agree.
She was done. So were we after sharing our 10 dollar meal -a big corn dog and a drink. 10 bucks. Seriously. I mean, 20 tickets. Good thing we went to see the dog dancing. There's something about a dog dancing in sequins that makes my cheap self feel as though I'm getting my money's worth at the fair. ;)
Here's the petting zoo:
Feeding the llamas and checking out the ostriches:
When Grampa Came
Jake's dad came in September to meet Cole and go to a Utah State Aggies vs. Texas A & M Aggies game. Check out the stadium. Insane. No one does football like Texas.
Matitos for lunch. Mmmmmmm. Except, this is the place that had jalapenos in the pico. Not cool, Matitos. Tessa and I both experienced the flames. At least I could smear sour cream in her mouth. I was at a disadvantage with the whole no dairy diet.
We had a wonderful time and were so glad that he could come join us for a few days.
We had a wonderful time and were so glad that he could come join us for a few days.
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