* I've got to tell you something you might appreciate. I got a good laugh out of it. Last week after church, Jake had to run back in to where the Elder's Quorum meets. I took Tessa aside in the hallway next to that room's door in a sort of cubby area so we could stay out people's way. I had something I needed to get back to a friend who I knew was still in the building. It was in my way-too-big church bag. I crouched down to find it, and when Tessa saw me get down like that, she figured it was horsey time. She immediately started climbing on to me, and since my skirt was a restricting kinda skirt, I fell over. From that point it just wouldn't end. I was attempting to get up with Tessa grabbing at my head when the EQ door opened on me and whacked me in the behind --twice. From what I understand, the poor man trying to get out was confused, saw a grown woman in a twisted heap on the floor, and decided to use an alternative route. I heard two people laughing but couldn't get myself into a position to see who it was, or my hair or child out of my face. Jake then opened the door, whacking me again. He wanted to know what I was doing on the floor. I finally was able to sit up, laugh
with the laughers and attempt to explain myself. I couldn't believe how quickly it had all happened. The timing on the door knocking me back three times could not have been better. My friend walked up in time to see me get up from the floor and join in the "What is your problem, spaz?" fun. I retrieved what I needed to get back to her.

*One of the fun things we did this weekend was have a dinner picnic at Lake Lavon with some friends. It was really nice to get outside to play in the water. Hooray for triple digit death making an exit. I forgot the camera, as usual. This pic was just one of the lake online. Jake took some pictures with his phone camera of Tessa getting muddy and throwing rocks in the water, but we don't have a clue as to how to get phone pics onto the computer. The clay mud was insanely gooey, and Tessa almost lost a shoe to it. But the water felt good and the sunset was beautiful.
*I took the camera out the other day to get a recent picture of Tessa up for the grandparents. She can't have advance notice of the camera. She thinks her face has to be up in it do any good, and she wants to see the result of the picture without having taken any. So there's a bulbous nose for you.
*The Reeds gave us a bike they didn't need anymore. This is one happy camper. She can't figure out how to get it going, but she's pleased as peaches to just be on it for now. Thanks so much, Reeds!
Now I need to get a bike. I've been saving up. We've been looking. Turns out nice bike shops aren't the place to look if your budget is as limited as mine. My cheap and practical cruiser is out there. I think the words cheap and practical might show up on my grave. Please don't let that happen. At least make it sound fun....like chinchy and pragmatic. "Here lies that one chinchy and pragmatic lady. Woowee, did she know how to have a good time!"
And I leave you with my chatty baby. She's growing so fast.
That video of Tessa is so cute! And all the photos are so adorable too. She is growing so fast. Her "on your mark, get set, go!," is so stinking cute, thanks for the smiles. Hope the rest of your summer is grand. Take care!
Maren, I love the bike pictures! Tessa is adorable and suddenly seems so grown up!
That little girl just continues to amaze me. She is growing up so fast. It's so fun listening to her talk, and saying her words perfectly. She is so cute! I love that smile with her on the bike!
I don't know who your cell phone service is with but you should be able to send your phone pics to your email address. If you're with Verizon, you should also be able to send them to "pics place" in your options menu.
What a doll! I must say I almost had a heart attack when I saw her on that bike, "can she already ride a bike?", I was somewhat relieved to see that she didn't skip the big wheel stage altogether. She does however look huge sitting on that big girl bike speaking like a grown up! I hope you find a nice quality "cheap" bike. When you do let me know where you got it as I need one myself.
We miss Tessa! Of coarse we miss you too. She's such a big girl on her bike. Look out, before you know it she'll be wearing lipgloss and telling you on a daily basis how you are ruining her life. (By doing her hair "wrong".) Sigh!
I got a good chuckle out of your "falling down and getting hit by the door 3 times" story. Gotta love stuff like that. Tessa is such a cutie. Maybe one day I'll actually get to meet her! :)
I got out my Africa scrapbook last night. I hadn't looked at it forever and it was so fun to look back and remember that incredible trip. Sigh.
A crazy but fairly reliable source told me a good place to find used bikes cheap is the pawn shop. She says she got a real humdinger for ten bucks. Maybe worth a shot. Tessa is growing up so fast, pretty soon she'll probably be out-riding you regardless of what you are on. The video clip of her is great! Miss you.
Your church story had me crying I was laughing so hard! I could barely tell it to Jeff (because of course he had to know what was so funny).
I'm still wiping the tears away -- thanks for such a funny post!!
Maren! What a cute baby! Someone needs to help her "go", though. At least give her a little push or something! Poor kid. You guys are so cute. Maybe someday, before she gets married, I will be able to see her in person. You never know...
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