Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sincerely, Maren

To my slippers,
I bid for you at a Relief Society auction and received you with open arms. Strangely, I didn't have anyone bidding against me. I know you look like you came from two cast off colors found at the bottom of the yarn basket, but that never mattered to me. I've never really liked other kinds of slippers or gotten any serious use out of them. But you..... you were different. When the holes started appearing, I tied pieces of yarn together to fix them. I can't do it anymore because, well, because there isn't anymore yarn to tie together. Sad, sad day.


mary said...

Maren I can relate, I have a pair of socks that I bought in France when I was 15, almost 20 years ago.(YIKES!) They're hideous, but I love them. They are brown, rusty orange and yellow, they have pigs and hoof prints on them. Matt hates them, and yet I wear them. Last week they finally worn so thin that they now have a hole and I no longer have an excuse to keep them. It's hard to say goodbye to such an old friend.

Elizabeth Boyce said...

Now, see I LOVE those slippers. Ofcourse, I am a slipper freak. Maybe someone can yarn patch them up for you? LOL!

Jen said...

maren you always make me laugh! I love that picture -- and the purple flower fields were beautiful -- go get those termites!! I am starting to think apartment living had its perks :)