We arrived at the KOA on Wednesday evening and set up camp. While driving through town to get there, I got a little antsy with the neighborhood and prayed we wouldn't have to camp next to a lumberyard and the railroad, but it turned out just fine (despite the 6 cop cars looking for some guy on our last night --they found him). The next morning, the three of us decided to scope out down town San Antonio. There are some really cool buildings in that city. We went to the Riverwalk mall and proceeded to see as much as we could in the area -St. Joseph's church, the Riverwalk, Tower of the Americas, the Marketplace, etc. with a break in between for Tessa's nap in the car. We had a lovely time sharing icecream on some stairs by the riverwalk while listening/dancing to a live South American band.
Our friends made their way to the campground that night and the next morning. So, Friday we set out for Sea World. We saw every show we could possibly see there and had a great time in the 90 degree weather. Tessa really liked the sea lions and the shark aquarium. Jake and I had an opportunity to feed dolphins. Very cool. We all had dinner on the Riverwalk that night and took a boat ride. Tessa was beyond tired at this point. (I don't think that vacations are really vacations for babies. She's trying to catch up on her sleep now that she's home.) So, after putting her to bed, we had a campfire all together with smores and dutch oven cobbler. Besides the tents, I'm pretty sure those two desserts make camping official.
Our last day in SA, we went to see the Alamo (which does not have a basement). We caught part of a St. Patrick's day parade while downtown and got our fill of grown men in mini vehicles. We made our way back to Sea World with our two day pass, rode a couple of the rides, and saw whatever else we wanted to see before taking off for home.
We had a blast. Good memories with good friends. However, it's always nice to be back in your own bed --with the baby back in hers.

Tessa, cool shades! I am so glad you guys had such a great time. 90 degree weather?! What?! It snow yesterday. I don't think that's fair.
so much fun! thanks for sharing. Now that I made it finally to Houston I need to make it over to your neck of Texas! Thanks for the updates~
I wish that we could go camping but it is still freezing here!! It sounds like you had a fun and busy time. Sea World would be so much fun with kids, I haven't been there forever.
I am so glad that you had such a good time. I LOVE San Anton! Home. Sounds like you hit most of the highlights. Next time we are back in San Anton maybe we can meet at a half way point and meet little Tessa. Good Food? :)
Forgot to tell you. The cascades at Hemisphere. They have an alarm that sounds if you run up them when the water isn't running. :) Just what I am told though (I was a dumb teen what can I say). ;)
Jen- we're ready for you anytime
Lis- we'd totally be up for meeting you halfway. We basically ate whatever we stuffed in our cooler and then whatever we got stuck with along the way. We'll go again though, so we'll make sure to put focus on the famed food next time.
Sounds like you guys had a great trip! I love Tessa's shades in all of those pics. Very hip.
How fun! I would love to see San Antonio. You didn't take the ghost tour this time around? I bet Tessa loved Sea World! How did she do sleeping in the tent?
I am so glad you had a good time!! You guys look so cute!! Dont you just love sea world.
Looks like you had a great time. I am envious of your 90 degree weather! I love the Riverwalk, and the Alamo ain't half bad either. Camping without cobbler isn't really camping, I am glad to see that you are keeping it real. Just be sure that "you wear your sunglasses at night" so that you can be really cool.
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