The hair --is gone. Weeeeell, a lot of it is gone. More than I'd planned on, that's for sure. I said I wanted it between my chin and shoulders. I think the guy heard lips and chin instead. He proudly suggested as he handed me the mirror, "Why don't you take a look at the new you!"
Augh! "That's a lot shorter than I thought it would be!" He made a remark about how when it dries it will be where I want it. I told him that I'd have to get home and mess around with it. Panic. It was still wet and looked like a slick bob chop to me. I got home, attempted to style it, .....and now I like it. My hair had been the longest it's been in ages and desperately needed to be cut, and I think I forgot what it was like to have it that short.
I have to actually do my hair now --no outs with the usual bun or braid.
Shorter length makes my thin fine hair look
slightly thicker.
It's fun to have something different.
I'll save on shampoo and conditioner?
I have to actually do my hair now --no outs with the usual bun or braid.
People staring at me to figure out what is different.
When I got home, Tessa looked at me for a moment and then said, "Cute hair, Mom." Sweet girl. She also told me I had a cute jacket and cute earrings. She's so complimentary. I heard her playing with her princesses the other day, and one was telling the other that she had a "cute head." :)
The evening - We wanted to get out of dodge tonight. Jake has Spring Break next

week and took a mean ol' ethics test this morning after studying, studying, and more studying, in the last few days --so he wanted out too. I had the idea of driving out to a random small town where we haven't been where we could find a mom and pop hamburger place to eat. I love places like that. We headed north. We finally chose Van Alstyne. I'd never heard of it. We ended up having an awesome barbeque sandwich at The Rib Joint in their old down town area after driving through a part of Melissa, Anna, and then of course, Van Alstyne. There were some quaint homes (one with chickens hanging out in the front yard) and the dilapidated but still incredible old homes you hope someone will buy and restore one day. We then went back to Anna for a milkshake at the Malt Shop (it's one of those serve out the window places) and ate it in their outside barn thing with picnic tables and no electricity as the sun was going down. Tessa got to have her own icecream, so she was in heaven. She's so like her mom.
He's usually game, but I'm especially happy Jake was game for tonight. I love exploring. And I needed it.
We need to see the "new do!"
Ya, c'mon and show us the new look.
Sounds like a fun little outing. :)
That's fun you chopped your hair off. I always toy with the idea and then always chicken out. Remember when we were in Italy and you got your hair chopped off by that guy who didn't speak English? You just let him do whatever. That was brave! Turned out super cute though! Let's see some pics of your latest hair cut. You can't post info about a new do and not post any pics!
Seriously you tease...where are the photos!!
I want to see!! I thought about going short but decided to just cut bangs. I asked MaKell what was different and she said, "You look like a boy! But you're still cute."
I want to see the cute hair too! What a fun night! I want to hang out with you and do the fun things you think of doing!
I want to see your cute, new haircut too. I'm glad you liked it in the end...I really hate it when I go into the salon envisioning my hair in a certain way, and come out with a haircut surprise. I'm glad you guys had a great dinner adventure too...what a perfect way to end your day.
I saw your hair "from afar" at church and thought how cute it looked! I didn't realize how long it had been until I looked at your earth mama pics on your blog!
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