This is the best floss. Ever. My teeth shred up any other kind I've tried (call me sabertooth). Seriously, it rocks. Never changing.

I'll never buy the cheap wipees again. I've learned my lesson. Generic diapers I can deal with, but Huggies wins the prize as far as baby bum wipes goes. Trust me. There is a difference.
We were fortunate enough to receive a Tom Tom GPS for Christmas. How amazing is this thing? Very. How rejected am I when it comes to directions? Very. We make a great pair. Richard's voice is the one we chose as our tour guide to the streets. Thanks, Rick. I'm contemplating calling him Pretty Ricky for Allison's sake, though.
I love cold cereal. Right now I dream of Fruity Pebbles and Cocoa Pebbles. I laugh when I see the "Sensible Solution" symbol on the front of the boxes, because they can't possibly be part of a sensible diet. Ah well, I'll take their word for it.
I'll stop with the top five that came to mind today, but honorable mentions go to Dove Chocolate Promises, Cadbury Mini Eggs (which stare me down each and every Easter) is it sad that chocolate is showing up more often than not on this post?, sample size Clinique mascara, Nike tennis shoes, and library books. Yep, library books.
Which product would you happily endorse?
I actually have that floss. I hate, hate, hate to floss, but I do have to agree that it is good (as far as floss goes). I'm with you on the Huggies wipes. There's just no comparison and also, GPS is the greatest invention ever. How I got around before I had it is a mystery. Oh and one more thing, Cadbury mini eggs are the yum, yum, yummiest things in the world! I have to steer clear at the grocery store because if they make it home, they're gone in about a day. Yikes!
I wish I could eat like you and look like you. I get a kick out of your posts.
mmmmmm...Cadbury mini eggs. I love those....a bit too much!
Hey, don't knock Cocoa Pebbles - I eat a bowl nearly every morning and Consumer Reports puts them in the "Good" category for healthy cereals. The Cadbury mini-eggs, however....
Hi Maren! I just found your blog and it is fun to see all your pictures and fun-ness. It makes me miss Texas and visiting you and I am jealous of the warmer weather there too. I have spring fever. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi!
Just blame any and all "not sensible" food items you want and eat often on pregnancy. And when you aren't pregnant, blame PMS No one will question further. :)
I would have to endorse Mr. Clean Magic Erasers-fabulous!! They are great for removing artwork from the walls. Watch out for the two year old-hide the crayons and markers!!
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