Two year olds are funny. So particular in how things need to be for having lived such a short time. Tessa often lets us know whose turn it is or what order things need to go in. Her aunt made her a princess pillowcase for Christmas, and we thought it would be a great time to start her on a big girl pillow so that when she moves to a big girl bed, it could be the familiar thing to accompany her. When I asked her if she was ready to sleep on her princess pillow the other night, she politely informed me that it was a Cinderella pillow, not a princess pillow.

The interesting thing about bedtime lately: Tessa hasn't been one who needed anything specific for bed. I always included her Lamby Pie, but honestly she could have cared less if it was there or not. She hasn't been a blanky kid, a certain toy kid, or a pacifier kid. I've loved that about her. There has been no fear of leaving something behind that she'd lose it over. Well, I don't think she'd lose it over these new tastes of hers, but they are still pretty funny to me. When she goes to sleep she needs the following stuffed animals: Lamby Pie, Pink Doggy, and Mimi.

I get it with Lamby Pie and Pink Doggy, but what's with Mimi? And where did she come up with that name for it? It's a stupid McDonald's Happy Meal toy, but she loves it most of all right now. She was asking about the "other Mimi" some nights ago, but I have yet to figure that one out.
So, now when I sing her the nightly "star song", which includes her mom and dad and Lamby Pie, she is not content until I've added Pink Doggy and Mimi to the song. She's got all three snuggled up to her on her pillow. Too funny. Then we add the three blankets in their usual order before she can go to sleep. Yep, all three. I've tried to cut down and it's not happenin'. She's a great sleeper, so I don't mind her bedtime routine, I'm just amused by it.
Other updates?
Tessa: Verbal and a crack up
Maren: Expanding and tired
Jake: Busy
Jake, Tessa, and Maren: happy
That is NOTHING compared to certain un-named grandchildren whose bedtime rituals border on OCD. But, what can ya do? It is what it is.
That is one of the things I love and hate about two year old's. Max is VERY particular about A LOT of stuff. Sometimes it's cute and sometimes very aggravating!!!
Tessa is so cute all snuggly on her pillow. Both of my kids are obsessed with their blankets. They cannot sleep without them. It suck when a throw-up miss-hap happens and it needs to be washed! Talk about drama!
I loved all the pictures Maren! Tessa is a doll and such a crack up! My kids both got some dogs in their McDonald's happy meal too, and the BOTH named their dogs Kona. I like Mimi better. Kids are hilarious!
That's about when MaKell started being so funny - and two years later it's still the same. At least three is manageable - I think we're up to about 10, not including the three I've managed to oust out of the routine. Ohh, the things we do for our kids.
HAHA! That comment was hilarious! THanks for posting it! I sent it on over to Loren.
Tessa is a doll! Have I told you that lately? She's always so beautiful and her hair just perfect.
I love the picture of her on her pillow. She's so sweet!
Ditto what Heidi said. My kids have obsessions with their blankies and throw FITS when it's being washed. We had one of those fits tonight when Darren couldn't sleep with his blanket because it smelled rancid.
So funny. Joseph was the same way for bit. He slept with so many stuffed toys I couldn't see his face anymore. Geo(george), guau guau, guau guau and little guau guau (translation: 3 dogs, 2 regular and 1 little). He now down to just his favorite guau guau. And tantrums? Yes, completely ridiculous! So the end of the world when someone says no. :)
This cracks me up... Her little rituals are exciting! She must know that she has to get as much attention out of you as she can before she has to share it! We miss you guys!
I have the same problem at night, especially need my 29 year old teddy bear that has become less plump over the years-- oops probably shouldn't say that out loud ;) Oh well you know I am a kid at heart!
Selina has just started the faze of bringing things to bed with her. But she picks different random things every night. I will tell her "ok, it's time for bed" and she will look around her and fill her arms with things saying "bring this". I have finally had to tell her she can bring one thing because it was just getting ridiculous! The other night, her choice was a pair of sun glasses, and she held onto them until after she fell asleep!
It's such a fun age. Their personalities become even more pronounced. It's funny, they never seem to fall in love with the toys you want them to.
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