Here's Tessa! She will be 10 months old in 3 days. Can you believe it? She finally got her first tooth, and it is just slowly making its way up and into the world. This girl is smiling all the time now-- yes, a wrinkle nosed smile I apparently passed along to her. When she "talks", she sounds like she's speaking Ewok.
It was just beautiful outside last night, so I took Tessa outside to sit on our nice patch of grass in the front yard. I'm usually afraid of sitting on the grass without a blanket in this state because I have come across some seriously creepy crawly things here I had never seen before. I don't think Jake knew exactly how big a pansy I was about bugs when he married me. Oh well. Anyway, it was alluring enough last night to spend a few minutes enjoying outside. Tessa had a great time checking out the texture of the grass and only had to be stopped a couple times from eating it.
Let see, what else is new this month? Jacob was offered the summer internship with the Settlepou firm in Dallas --this is how they lead into a permanent job offer, I guess. That relieved a lot of stress for him. Yay! It's nice to open the options, and this is one that he feels really good about. I just feel good about a job that will pay off school loans ......and that he's happy too.
September is one serious birthday explosion month, so I hope that all of you people with September birthdays had a good one.
What a BEAUTIFUL child! Thanks for setting up the blog so I can see more pictures of my adorable granddaughter. Mom
Simone has requested to see Tessa again, only the third time this week. Tessa sure is a cutie!
When my dad saw a picture of Simone on our computer, he said, "Wow. You can tell those two are cousins." We are so excited to have them play together during Christmas. :)
She's so cute! I just love the last picture of her.
I sure enjoyed your Halloween photos, you guys are so creative. Who carved the jack-o-lantern? Talk about a work of art, and which one of you had time to do that? Happy Birthday to Jake. Love you guys,kiss Tessa's cheeks for me.
Hey, why is there a garbage can under my posts and not under anybody else's?
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