HOW do kids do this? I remember my little brother getting the spaghetti sauce beard and wondering how he managed to do it. He finally learned how to avoid it sometime around 17 years old. Juuuuuuuuust kidding, Jon.... It was more like 18. Mwahahahaha.
At least it matches?

At least it matches?
Yep, a toilet picture. She said I could post it. I'll remind her that she granted me permission when she's 15 and mortified.
Awwwwww. Swimming on the 4th. I was in too much of an overheated crusty mood to join them. My loss. My loss.

Such good friends. Swimming and watching fireworks. I had my feet up, trying to calm those bloated puppies. Didn't work.
The city did a great job with the fireworks. Tessa snuggled with me on what is left of my lap and "oohed" and "aahed" along with me. The best.
Tessa has got to be the funniest kid by far. I love the toilet shot.
Fun pics. I especially a fan of the toliet pic. Classic. :)
There should be an AM inserted into my last comment. Oops.
I LOVE the toilet picture! What was she reading in People Magazine? So cute! When's that baby coming?
I love it! Her reading on the toilet is the cutest thing ever. I wish I had time to do that actually! And you are right, I cant believe a pregnant woman would turn down the pool on a hot summer day!
Gosh that spaghetti pic -- at first I thought that was a pic of you as a baby! She is getting to be more and more beautiful every day!
Looove the potty shot. The way her pants are hanging makes it look like she has really short legs, haha. So cute. :-)
That is so cute that you asked her permission to use the toilet shot and she said yes. That big grin of being proud of a spagetti face. Everything you do is cool when you are 2. So cute. Rosebud, she does look a lot like her mom when she was that age....
so much fun Maren! I love that your daughter seems to pick up on her mother's love for books!!
Fun to see all of your great pics, Maren. Tessa is looking so grown up since the last time we saw her. And...hang in there with the swelling feet. Mine got HUGE last Summer. When I try on the flip flops now that I wore then, they pretty much just slide right off my day your feet really will return to normal. I am so excited for your new arrival, I hope you aren't too miserable in all the heat!
At least you asked permission - even if she's too young to realize what she's giving permission to. I hid the potty pictures my mom took through all of my teenage years. So silly, but I was mortified of anyone seeing them.
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