Monday, February 6, 2017

Starting School and Preschool Aug/Sept 2016

We will begin this post with Squish in church nursery, for obvious reasons. Look at that face.
 She's prepping for the school year too:
I rolled myself out into the backyard one evening realizing that I had spent a ridiculous series of days cooped up inside. Fresh air often provides perspective and renewal. I certainly needed that.

 First day of school! (End of Aug.) This year was a little odd considering how much in lock down I was with my foot. I couldn't come get them after school, so practice with Dad on how to walk home from school happened in the days leading up when it was up to them to get home. They have done splendidly since and really take care of each other. I wanted to get them to that point, but the foot forced us into it a tad early. I was also very grateful that my dad was able to come and stay the first week of school to get us into a groove and so that I could survive without my helper Tessa!

 Gavin's school. Yah, right. Like anything could keep him contained.
When my dad was here, he wanted to take us all out to dinner. We, of course, at least lunched at Rudy's, which Dad LOVES, but we also took him to a place we knew he'd like. Babe's Chicken. As ridiculous as I always felt rolling around on the knee scooter and attracting attention, it was really nice to get out and feel a little bit normal when sitting around dining with the family at a fun place.
Here we are waiting to be seated. The kids wanted me to snap some pictures with my phone. I obliged.

 You can see my bell and tassels on the knee scooter handle...

Sadie is ready for some biscuits and chicken!

 First day of PRESCHOOL! (Sept. 6)

 She was busting out of her skin to get there. She loves preschool and has grown up so quickly in the last little while. This summer she worked really hard (with the help of a thumb guard) to stop sucking her thumb so it wouldn't be a preschool issue, and she did it. Phew! She's so happy to have her best buddy Emmeline in her class. Go, Panthers!

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