Since the museum closed earlier than we thought it would, we headed over to the cattle drive park in Dallas. I thought it sounded a little odd, but it's actually quite an impressive collection and arrangement of statues. It's not exactly a place to go and picnic, but it's fun to look around and makes for an interesting view in a downtown area.
Very soon after this following picture, Tessa reminded us that she had to go potty and had to go NOW. There wasn't an outhouse or a McDonald's or ANYTHING that we could get to in less than six minutes. I started scouting trees and bushes, because you gotta do what you gotta do, when I felt that Paige was leaking out of her diaper. Aaaaaaughhh! It was a pee party!!! I tossed poor Paige and her overloaded nappy to Jake and took off with Tessa as two men suddenly showed up in our previously empty park and watched us run around trying to find a spot where they couldn't see us. Thanks, dudes. Needless to say, it wasn't a pleasant experience, but kinda funny.
Afterward we took a longer drive out to a BBQ place to eat. I wasn't the nicest about it. I'll admit it. It was farther than I thought, and when we got there, the whole line was filled with only men. The line started outside where they smoke the meat, and I felt like we were crashing some lodge fraternity carnivore party or something. Other women showed up later, but I was initially less than thrilled with the prospect of entering the place. It ended up being just great, and most importantly, we filled our tummies with tastiness.
Grandma took us shopping for some Paigey birthday presents one morning and got little light up toys for the older two. Here is Cole with Iron Man's spinny light head:
Gma and Gpa went to watch part Tessa's dance classes.
My favorite here is clearly the blonde boy in the back.
Go Tessa!
Here we have our last night of the visit pics:
We're so grateful they took the time to come and see us. We had a nice relaxing post holiday visit before our new year's schedule kicked into gear.
And here we have what became comically typical --Paige staring stone faced at Grandpa when he would talk to her or try to make her smile, and then a Paige smiling at him and showing personality the second he turns his attention elsewhere.
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